Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Tick tick tick!

Well, I am very pleased that I am already able to tick a few things off my list!  Of course I have already told you about the gorgeous Rahayu, our adopted animal (number 18) - TICK!  I have also enrolled with a local dance academy and am so very excited to be starting both tap and hip hop classes in two weeks.  I haven't danced in over 10 years and I am REALLY looking forward to it!  Even more so now that a couple of girlfriends have joined in so we can have fun together :)  Join a dance class (number 8) - TICK!

Number 23 on my list was to go to Fraser Island.  I grew up in Hervey Bay so of course was lucky enough to go to Fraser a lot in my younger days.  It is one of the most beautiful places on earth and I just adore it.  A mixture of magical beaches, rainforest, swimming spots and wildlife.  If you haven't been, I highly recommend it!  For quite a while now I've been saying that I wanted to go back for a visit as I hadn't been in about 7 years.  Well last weekend we went, just for the day.  We walked from Kingfisher Bay to Lake Mackenzie (below) and back.  And nearly died... :/
Well, that may be a little dramatic I guess.  But there was certainly times throughout the day that we were there when I wish I wasn't!  We decided to join a group of other women and head over to Fraser on Saturday 21 Jan to do a 22km walk - purely for fitness and 'fun'.   The longest I have walked previously is 20km (from Bargara to Burnett Heads and back) with one of my girlfriends.  It was a lovely walk that we really enjoyed.  The thought of doing the same over at Fraser, in one of the most beautiful settings I could think of, and only an extra 2km, was quite exciting.  When I heard about it I decided straight away that I wanted to go.  I ended up talking my bestie into coming and headed down to Hervey Bay to catch the barge with a car full of ladies.  This is us all ready to rock 'n' roll.  We had plenty of water, high energy snacks and sunscreen on board!
In total there were 38 people that met up to do the walk.  And when I say walk, I really should say trek!  It was tough!  Unlike our previous 20km walk at home on flat, concrete paths along the esplanade in the breeze, THIS walk was in sand.  It was up and down hills.  It was in the middle of summer, through the middle of an island with very little breeze!  It was THE HARDEST physical thing I have ever done.  But I did it!  We all did it!  And although we were completely buggered when we finished (that is an understatement), we were glad that we completed it :)
It ended up taking us almost 6 hours (including a stop at Lake Mackenzie to cool off and attend to our aching feet and muscles).  We left Kingfisher at 8am and got back just before 2pm. In hindsight, probably not the best idea in the middle of the day in the middle of January!  Apart from blisters, minor cuts and grazes from sticks/trees, stiff knees and hips, aching feet and calves and sore shoulders, I am very happy that no one was injured!  Haha :)  In the end we finished our 'walk' and indulged in a yummy feed and a beautiful long dip in the resort pool before catching the barge back to Hervey Bay and driving home to Bundy.  I'm not sure that I can say I 'enjoyed' our adventure at Fraser, but I certainly enjoyed spending the day with some of my favourite people and relaxing afterwards!  Go to Fraser Island (number 23) - TICK!

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